Many of the people , are very interested to know the truth of this world , and the truth of the outer world's (who we are , where do we live , how we live , in what situation we are , are Aliens real , Illuminati/Freemason's , etc etc ...) ...
Let's do it , together ;') ...
As we know , you live in a planet so called Earth , the Earth has many countrie's , state's , citie's , has many nation's , religion's , we have poor people's , we got normal poeple's , but we have very very rich people's ...
As we know , we human's have problem's each other's , which this is too bad :( , religion problem's , nationality problem's ...
We got smart people's , we got not smart people's , but you know what i think ? ...
I think that , everyone is smart (exept the people's wich are not normal "sorry") ...
But , the people's are not using their brain as they need , we can use our brain more than we are now , more than we know , but , to do that , we need to work together , working together (no metter what religion , or nationality i have or you have :)) would be so much better for all the human's ...
But , we got many question's , why we got war's , why we hate each others , why we have poor people's , why ? ...
When someone has a family , has women and kid's , father , mother , etc , we ask's for a job , the job tell's him: SORRY , YOU ARE NOT ACCEPTED , YOU GOT NO SCHOOL ...
Yes , that is the truth , we must finish the school , it would be better for us and our family , but again , why war ? ...
When someone ask's for a job , just to make some money to protect his family , he won't find a job , he has no school , that's because , but , what he does after that ? ...
That is what some people's do when they has no job and need to protect the family ...
But , again and again , why war ? ...
Well , that's because , our government's are not good with us ;) ...
Why not good with us ? ...
Well , they do some law's wich are not good for humans ...
Anyway , but , why many people's hate each other's (why black , why white , you are Albanian , you are Serbian , Kosovo is Serbia , you are muslim , why catholic , damn he is atheist ,) ...
That's because , our governments does that ;) ...
That's because they want to make people's hating each other's , how they do that ? ...
To easy , they have their people's , their people's does everything for them (gov's...) ...
Those people's , are payed very much , so how they do the people's to hate each other's ? ...
They say to those people's , go and kill a black man , or they get a black man , pay him very much and say's him , go and kill a white man , after you kill him , we will pay you milion dollar , after that you go in new's (black man hate'r killed white man) and then in jail , but don't worry , in a week , you are out ...
The black or white man goes and kill's the other man , than in the news , why you killed the black man ? ...
Well , i killed him because i hate the black man , i don't like them in my country , then he goes in jail , and he got the money , after that , he is out , what gov does now ? ...
The gov get's a black man killer , say's him , go and kill the white man , and type a message to the new's , i killed the white man because they hate us , from now on , i hate white people's , after this is done , there we go ;) ... The hating each other's just begin's :') ...
So again , gov does this shit :( ...
This happened in Balkan too :( , where many Albanian's , Bosnian muslim's , even Serbian's are killed , each other's , just why ? Gov's told them , GET KOSOVO , GET BOSNIA , WE WILL MAKE THE GREAT SERBIA ... That is too bad , today we have the truth about the history , so you can not get them just because you want it , or , don't just kill people's to get land's for just to make GREATER SERBIA ...
Think about it , someday we will die , after we die , would you get you'r greater Serbia with you ? No ...
Sorry if someone think's that i am provoke some one or i make some'one nervoz/mad , no no , i just tell the truth , i just know the truth , because , i got some guys from my family that are killed in war in the Balkan , that is soo sad for me , so sorry ...
Anyway , that's why human's hate each other's , i belive i don't need to explain more and more about this , remember , you are smart and you will understand this ;) ...
Anyway , let's just start something about Illuminati's , Freemason's , then , Alien's/UFO's ...
I see , you see that , many of the people's are in bad situation , they are not abble to belive in such of thing's like Alien's ...
Why ? ... Because m the world's gov's won't tell us that :( ...
Anyway , the world has like group's so called Illuminati's and Mason's ...
What are Illuminati's ? ...
The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name given to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious . Historically , the name refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati , an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776 .
In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations , usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context , the Illuminati are believed to be the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of a New World Order ...
What exactly they does ? ...
As many know's , yes, the Illuminati's , control's many thing's in the World , well , the best for them is that , they got intellegent people's , very smart people's , and they got all the money's they need ...
They controll almost everything in this little planet called Earth ...
They can do anything they want , they also know's the truth , but they won't like us to know the truth ...
Many of the people's think that , Alien's are not real , UFO's are not real , they are created by Illuminati's just to make the people's to panic , but no my friend's , you are so wrong ;) ...
Yes , they make not real things , but not Alien's and UFO'S ...
Sorry , let me explain something , Alien's are living creatures from some other galaxy , UFO's are ship's where Alien's drive them hh ... Funny hh ...
Anyway , let's continue ...
So , Illuminati's make's some things just to panic the people's , but , again , not Alien's , they realy exist ;) ...
Freemason's are a level before Illuminati's , so to be Mason , you must be smart guy (i think) , after you are Mason , and you are too good in you'r job , you go in the level so called Illluminati ...
Remember , i woul'd not prefer to join them , else , you lost you'r life ;) ...
Yes , they do many bad thing's ...
So , why Alien's exist , i mean , any proof , fact's , where are they from , how they came on our Planet , why , etc etc ...
Let's explain everything :) ...
Extraterrestrial life ? ...
Extraterrestrial life (from the Latin words: extra ("beyond" , or "not of") and terrestris ("of or belonging to Earth")) is defined as life that does not originate from Earth . Also referred to as alien life , or simply aliens , these hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings far more advanced than humans ...
Various controversial claims have been made for evidence of extraterrestrial life . A less direct argument for the existence of extraterrestrial life relies on the vast size of the observable Universe . According to this argument , supported by scientists such as Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking , it would be improbable for life not to exist somewhere other than Earth .
I belive you understand something , but , let's start with the proof's :) ...
Many muslim's not belive's that Alien's exist's ...
Why they don't ? Are they muslims ? Does they read the QURAN ? ... If they are muslim's , at last , muslim's should belive it if they readed the QURAN :) ...
Let me explain what the holy QORAN says about the Alien's , the best proof from the QURAN my friend's , (for muslim's: WHEN QORAN SAY'S THAT ALIEN'S EXIST , WELL , HMM :') ;') ...) ...
On 7th August 1996 , NASA scientists made an announcement that made front page headlines throughout the world . Within a Martian meteorite , they had found evidence of a microscopic lifeform that may have existed on Mars more than three billion years ago . Although other studies were later published which challenged this conclusion , numerous recent discoveries , for example , the discovery by the Galileo spacecraft , in February 1997 , of a possible red-coloured sea under the ice crust of Jupiter's moon , Europa , are raising hopes that we may soon be able to get an answer to one of the oldest and most interesting questions asked by humans - "Is anyone out there , or are we alone in the universe? " ...
However , it may be that none of us may live to see the day when scientists will give us a definitive answer to this question . For Muslims ,that should not be a problem . We already have the answer . Although many Muslims are unaware of the fact , the Quran explicitly mentions the existence of extraterrestrial life .
The existence of creatures of a spiritual nature , such as angels , in the universe , is accepted as a fact by all Muslims , as well as people of other religions , such as Christians. The point that generates excitement among the public , and scientists is the question of whether material lifeforms like ourselves , which can be found by science , do actually exist outside the earth . The objective of this article is to present evidence from the Quran for the existence in the universe , of MATERIAL lifeforms ("Life as we know it") .
In Sura 42,Verse 29 (42:29) of the Quran,we are told, "Among His (God's) signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth,and the living creatures that He has scattered through them :and He has power to gather them together when He wills." Before proceeding further,a point or two must be noted.The word "sama",translated "heavens",is also the Arabic for "sky".One may object that the verse refers to creatures in the sky (which would be birds),not in the heavens.However,birds are mentioned seperately from creatures of the heavens in 24:41, "Seest thou not that it is God Whose praise all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate,and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread?..." In a note to 42;29,Muhammad Asad states,"In the Quran,the expression "the heavens and earth" invariably denotes the universe in its entireity." The Quran mentions that inanimate objects also worship God:"Do they not look at God's creation, (even) among (inanimate) things- how their (very) shadows turn round,from right to left,prostrating themselves to God..."(16:48). Therefore,may not the creatures spoken of in 42:29 in the heavens,be inanimate creatures of God.No.The next verse,16:49 goes, "And to God doth obeisance all that is in the heavens and earth,whether moving (living) creatures or the angels...". The word translated "living creatures" here is the same as that in 42:29- "Dabbatun".Comments Asad,"The word dabbah denotes any sentient,corporeal being capable of spontaneous movement and is contrasted here with the non-corporeal,spiritual beings designated as "angels" ". In other words,42:29 is referring to precisely the type of lifeforms that science is searching for,not some metaphysical entities.Yusuf Ali says,"Dabbatun:beasts,living,crawling creatures of all kind." This is the same word used in 2:164," the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth...are signs for a people that are wise," and in 24:45,"And God has created every animal from water:of them are some that creep on their bellies;some that walk on two legs;and some that walk on four. God creates what he wills..." Commenting on 42:29,Allama Shabbir Ahmad Usmani says,"From the verse it appears that like on the earth,there are some kinds of animals- living creatures- in the heavens also." On the same verse,Yusuf Ali comments, "Life is not confined to our one little Planet.It is a very old speculation to imagine some life like human life on the planet is reasonable to suppose that Life in some form or other is scattered through some of the millions of heavenly bodies scattered through space." From such remarks,the reader will realize that Muslim scholars are well aware of the fact that 42:29 clearly mentions the existence of aliens.
Although the discovery of any form of life outside the earth would be dramatic,humankind is especially interested in knowing whether there is any alien intelligent life in the universe.NASA previously had a program on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).Although now scrapped due to budget cuts, private SETI organizations have now been made which continue the search.The Planetary Society, a private organization,in which the film director Steven Speilberg (21) is a member of the Board of Directors,has the largest SETI program in the world.So far, no sign of alien intelligent life has turned up.Can the Quran provide an answer?
Sura 27:65 commands,"Say:None in the heavens or on earth, except God,knows what is hidden:nor can they perceive when they shall be raised up (for Judgement)." This shows that,like humans,there are other creatures in the universe that will also be raised from the dead.We are told in 19:93-96,"Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (God) Most Gracious as a servant.He does take an account of them (all),and hath numbered them (all) exactly.And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgement.On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (God) Most Gracious bestow love." From these verses we learn that there are alien lifeforms that,like us,will also be judged according to the works that they do during their lives.Among them are the believers.Therefore,naturally,there will also be those aliens who are unbelievers.The believers will be rewarded.The lifeforms being descibed in the above verses can hardly be expected to be microorganisms.The Quran is referring to creatures of a level of development that makes them morally accountable beings.They must be organisms possessing qualities which we would ascribe to intelligent lifeforms.
In Sura 72:14-15,jinn (a type of spiritual lifeform,which the Quran mention as living on the earth) say,"Amongst us are some that submit their wills (to God),and some that swerve from justice.Now those who submit their wills- they have sought out (the path) of right conduct:But those who swerve- they are (but) fuel for Hell-fire." The Quran mentions that good jinn will be rewarded with Paradise.Summing up from all the above verses,it is clear that Judgement Day is for creatures in the whole universe (Sura 39:68-"The Trumpet will (just) be sounded when all that are in the heavens and on earth will swoon, except such as it will please God (to exempt).Then will a second one be sounded,when,behold,they will be standing and looking on!") and like jinn,aliens will also be sharing Paradise and Hell with humans.In fact,the Quran mentions that Paradise is of a size like that of our present universe- 57:21,"Therefore (vie) with one another for the pardon of your Lord,and for a Paradise as vast as heaven and earh, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His apostles." Therefore, it is not surprising that when we are sharing this universe with aliens,we should share Paradise and Hell with them too.The Quran shows us,therefore,that not only do aliens exist,but among them are also intelligent beings.
Will we ever discover aliens?
So far,we have learnt from the Quran that extraterrestrial life,inclucing intelligent life, exists throughout countless earths in the universe.But this is not sufficient to satisfy our curiosity.We want scientists to actually discover aliens.Only after we have found incontrovertible scientific evidence that aliens exist,will our (unbelieving) hearts see that the Quran was correct all along.We actually won't be satisfied till we meet an alien face to face.Is there any chance that in the future we will actually discover,through science,the existence of aliens and establish some kind of contact with them or even meet them?
To get some idea on this matter,we must return to Sura 42:29.We are told over there that the scattering of living creatures in the heavens and the earth is a "sign".What is a sign?Sura 6:104 says,"Momentous signs have come to you from your Lord.He that sees them shall himself have much to gain,but he who is blind to them shall lose much." Sura 6:109,"They solemly swear by Allah that if a sign be given them they would believe in it." Sura 7:73,"A clear proof has come to you from your Lord.Here is Allah's she-camel:a sign for you." Clearly,a sign is something which we can see,or at least,experience with our senses.Otherwise,it would not be a sign.Some signs are those that God showed to humans in the past.Other signs remain for God to show us in the future-"Soon we will show them Our Signs in the (furthest) regions,and in their own souls,until it becomes manifest to them that this is the Truth" (41:53). THERFORE,SURA 42:29 CONTAINS A PROPHESY THAT A TIME WILL INDEED COME IN THE FUTUTE WHEN HUMANS WILL DISCOVER ALIENS.
In Sura 55:33-34,we are addressed,"O ye assembly of Jinn and men!If it be you can pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth,pass ye!Not without authority will ye be able to pass!Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?" Why does God ask us to go into space? There must be some purpose.Maybe it be for us to fulfil some grand destiny in store for our species- maybe to become a galactic race,a respectable part of the galactic community of civilizations.Maybe,it is our travels in space that may lead to our encounter with aliens and fulfil the prophesy in 42:29.Only time will tell.In anticipation of the time when we become space-travellers,we are told in Sura 29:22, "Neither on earth nor in heaven shall you be beyond reach:nor have you any guardian or helper besides Allah."
To reach other civilizations,we must be capable of feasible interstellar transport. Might we one day be capable of undertaking such a voyage?Sura 16:8 says,"And (it is He Who creates) horses and mules for you to ride...and He will yet create things of which (today) you have no knowledge." The latter part of this verse is often translated in the present tense but as Asad points out,"The use in this context,of the aorist "yakhluqu" implies the future tense ("He will create") ...Since this reference to God's continuing creation comes immediately after a mention of primitive means of transport,it obviously relates to other- as yet unknown- things of the same category:that is to say,to new means of transport which God unceasingly creates through the instrumentality of the inventiveness with which He has endowed man's mind." Therefore,it is possible that we may one day make the spacecraft required for interstellar travel.After all,God Himself has encouraged us to,"pass beyond the regions of the heavens".Sura 42:29 ends with the statement that God has the power to gather the creatures of the heavens and earth together if He wills.This also points to the possibility of our meeting aliens in the future.However,this gathering may well refer to that which will occur on Judgement Day as mentioned in Sura 19:93-96 (see above).
Oh , my non muslim friend's would be mad if i don't post what Bible say's about Aliens hh ...
The concept of alien visitors from other worlds is an important issue in these times, because the notion that there exists life on other planets will confront many fundamental Christian beliefs. In the event that the existence of alien life becomes fact, new evidence will prompt questions as to the origin of life. Judging from the modern sociological perspective on the theories of origin, orthodox Christianity will suffer a tremendous dilemma. (Consider the dilemma it already faces with the false doctrine of evolution!)
The kinds of views that will be presented to humanity during a time of open contact with aliens – are already surfacing. Francis Crick and James Watson, for example, the Nobel Prize winners for Physiology and Medicine, are famous for discovering the master molecule that contains the genetic code, (DNA). In the late 1980’s, Crick has been noted as "…boldly suggesting that the seeds of life on earth may have been sent here in a rocket launched from some faraway planet by creatures like ourselves."1
Most assuredly this theory will resurface with intensified vigor, when it is accompanied with some falsified evidence supplied by certain entities who will probably attempt to claim that illustrious title – our creators, (small "c"!)
The information contained in this book about aliens visiting the earth in the past, and especially in the end times, (now), is information I believe is contained within key passages of scripture in the Bible. I firmly believe the Holy Spirit has illuminated these passages of scripture to me, and has given me sufficient knowledge to interpret them.
The Bible has a great deal to say about aliens. It speaks of their existence in many verses, and specifically mentions their, (for the most part – those that we encounter), alliance with Satan. It is my intention to clarify some of these scriptures so that this up and coming deception will be forewarned.
It should be noted that frequently found throughout this book is the word possibility. When I spot something in scripture that looks like evidence in support of a particular theory, I emphasize that some of the particular interpretations of scripture I make should only be construed as possibilities. I do this for two reasons: 1. Many of the theories I suggest are just that – theories. Most of the theories in this book can’t be proved (as far as I know) – but if further information is uncovered in the future that may provide additional evidence in support of them, then they will certainly be strengthened. 2. I think it’s a good idea to have a large collection of possibilities open, so that if something happens in the future of world events that may come as a shock to the Christian community, (namely – alien contact), these possibilities will be made available. For example, relevant to this book, if alien life presents itself to the world, and it is proven that there is other life in outer space without a shadow of a doubt, scriptural research into this possibility would serve a valuable purpose. It would ground Christians with the knowledge that simply because there exists life on other planets doesn’t mean that the Christian paradigm is false. As I have previously noted, according to much of my research, the existence of aliens in outer space doesn’t refute scripture at all. In fact, scripture seems to indicate that there is, in fact, life in outer space.
The terms "Angels", "Fallen Angels", "Demons", "Hosts of Heaven", "Stars", "Creatures", "Sons of God", and the "Nephilim", also known as "Rapha", or "Rephaim", all three of which refer to giants,2 all must be defined. Within these terms lies the key to unlocking the mystery of what modern society calls aliens.
To begin with, I will define the most confusing and liberally applied term of all, angels.
Can angels and aliens be the same entities? Concerning their differences, most people make two assumptions:
1. Many people think that angels are purely spiritual beings, and can’t assume physical form. This concept is derived from ancient legends, scriptures, and pictures of angels as being glorified and holy, glowing with the power of God, and wearing brilliantly illuminating white robes. People don’t think of angels as needing technology, because they have innate power, and are capable of going anywhere, and doing anything they so desire, simply by the sheer power of their will. In most respects, they are thought of as messengers and guardians; protectors of humanity assigned by God Himself to help us.
Aliens, on the contrary, are usually depicted as physical beings like humans. They depend on their highly advanced technology, which aids them in all of their activities. Aliens aren’t typically thought of as divine helpers on missions assigned by God, but rather, scientists from other worlds. They are keenly intelligent, perhaps much more so than humans judging by the accounts of the sophistication of their technology. At best, they are thought of as helpers, though their methods are chaotic and uncaring on the micro level. Some people think they are simply curious about humans, just as humans are curious about them. Other people, especially those who’ve experience alien abductions, think they are utterly terrifying, and downright evil in their abusive treatment of humans.
2. Most people believe that angels are in heaven, and demons, or fallen angels, are trapped in hell. Aliens, on the other hand, if they exist, are free to roam about in outer space. The confusion here comes from the fact that people generally define heaven and hell as spiritual places beyond our reality, while outer space is within our reality.
While the next part of this book deals with the later assumption, this part of this book is titled "Entities", and deals with the first assumption, that angels and aliens are thought to be different entities. By societies current definition of aliens, aliens and angels might not be referring to the same entities, but I think they are, and I will reveal exactly why I think this.
Also, angels aren’t the only entities mentioned in scripture that might exist within the cosmos. Even if angels aren’t aliens – the Bible lists other entities that might be.
After reading all of the chapters in this section, all of the different terms referring to existing entities will be fully defined. Simply by defining entities found within scripture, I believe many eyes will be opened to a reality the Bible speaks of, that many people never knew was there.
1 Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors, Berkley Edition, 1988, page 202.
2 Enhanced Strong’s Lexicon, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1995.
Anyway , are you guy's ready for some proof's , secret's from the world's government's ? :) ...
Let me share with you :') ...
Let's start ...
1st of all , let us show you some pictures please :) ...
Now , let me show you some video's please :) ...
Area 51 ? ...
Im gonna think about those secrets 1st , then share ;) ...
Ok , so , there you have much proof's here my friend's :) ...
Remember , our planet will never go forward , that's because we still think about war ;) ...
I am Biohazard from (...) (Albanian A51S4 - 3HG/43H - BIOLIENS4) , i know many hate's me , i just try to share the truth with you , you don't have to hate me , but if you think you wanna hate me , lol , it's ok , keep up :') ...
I did this for all of you that likes me :) ...
Soon , if i see that i will have more that will like me and my work , i will share many other thing's :') ...
Keep waching the BIOLIENS4 fan page on facebook ( , for time to time , you will see many secrets there by my friend's , Papa Nona and Kann Hazard :) ...
Cheer's to all my Albanian friend's , and of course , too all my other friend's ;') ...
Sincerely , you'r best friend , Biohazard ...
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